Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Bauhaus Style Frames

Here is the look I was thinking about perusing; flat colors without reflections and soft shadows. These images render relatively quickly.

Here is the look I was thinking about perusing; flat colors without reflections and soft shadows. These images render relatively quickly.

Summary German students with 3 pix

Here it is the  summary of ideas by the German students:

-   sabine schneider + denise: association to Schlemmer's Pole dance with LED lightpoles/fluorescents

 -   Sabine Möbius, Sindy Pantak: CIRCLE  animations (pre-produced) +  projected (SEE PDF)
Inspired from Bauhaus dances we want to combine + animate circular elements.
They could be pre-animated in  abstract minimal motion to music in After Effects.
Best to use reduction to Black-White or just 1 color.
The animations will be projected onto( circular?) shapes held + moved by actors. circle samples see 2 pictures)

 -   martin + thomas  inside/out: trampoline
 visualize connection between inside + outside as important architectural element of modernist architecture. Schlemmer used the stage with architectural elements using a play with colors and proportions. Man was but a prototype and tool. The relation between man and space was Schlemmer's main 'Leitmotiv'.
Performance: Outside the auditorium a person jumps on a trampoline and is videotaped. The video is simultaneously projected onto the stage. the outside person cannot see the stage initially. By gradually adjusting jumping height + projection surface though inside + outside will (partially ) connect. the audience inside sees both: stage + jumper through the window.

-    Benjamin Sporer:  /Primary shapes+colors  - WHITE 3D SPACE  (SEE PDF)
1 Animation: blue circle, yellow triangle, red square start overlapping and build new shape + space (add music). possibly combined with performance + actor
2 Sculpture: use bought + found objects (wood, carton, balls, white cloth, wood scraps, all white or spray-painted white. with flourescents, see sketch + photo

 -   felix develops a tracking system with an interaktiven collage

 -   Robert Ibisch: Isolation in society - movement + objects+ sounds  on stage
Illustrate Schlemmer's 'Man in space' with examples of citizens oblivious of their surroundings: e.g. person with loud music from mp3 player, person rolling a suitcase on wheels that hinders others from passing, a person hiding behind a newspaper - short: people avoiding each other.
STAGE: each person has a sound/music allocated to their movements, accompanied by the sounds of their objects.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Video Links to History, Dance fragments + current performance

3-part series on Bauhaus Dessau history + architecture
Architecture! Walter Gropius - The Dessau Bauhaus (1/3)    ca 10 min ea



On Bauhaus Design (UK, 1975, 8min)

DANCE-STAGE, restagings of original dances
Triadic Ballet (5 min, poor quality)

Schlemmer Dances from "Man and Mask"
Space Dance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=II6uUd3CQ3M&feature=related

Laslo Moholy Nagy, Light modulator (1932, 2:23min))

Performance, current inspirantions of original dances
 brief perfomances by  Human Dollz:  (http://www.humandollz.com/)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Group Skills

I agree with the two comments below that we should figure out where everyone has their strong points.  Can everyone take two minutes to fill out this form? (The last column is cut off - it says: "Don't even ask me")

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Gesamtkunstwerk 1

How we can use our combined skills and the knowledge of the Bauhaus philosophy to develop a project with the concept of a 'Gesamtkunstwerk' in mind.

That can happen on the stage or in a digital/virtual realm. The NYRB article  has an extensive section on Bauhaus teaching (middle) + the  Gesamtkunstwerk (in relation to Kandinsky, unfortunately there is no naming of the stage, but much on Moholy Nagy's photograms and builds)....

Natasha's brainstoem suggestion

again, to get us started:

Natasha had a great suggestion, practiced in one of her classes with 'Google waves' that we can try for our blog:
Let's start with 'Twitter-esque' short  comments building on each other, like a brainstorming conversation, then get more substantial as we flesh out some ideas.

So log on + allow 'remember password' - to make login quick + painless. Can we some first round of ideas from all by Tuesday? The German group has class on Wednesday + will do the same in person. Would be great to compare notes on Thursday.

planning a project that can be realized (+ enjoyed) in 5 days

We discussed some issues this morning such as
- a solid concept to be able to start working without much delay
- the necessity to give up some good ideas if we have to many to realize
- the ease of taking an existing text/dance + have less creative input
- the more time-intensive but free creation 'from scratch'
- the preference of a humble but well executed project vs. a too ambitious, exhausting and unrefined/unfinished one
- the tendency to underestimate time & challenges ->> the need to build in some contingencies
- the possibility of several 'sub-projects' such as a video/photo documentation

Bauhaus in New York Review of Books

An excellent review of the Bauhaus + related exhibitions + new books
in the current (6-24) issue of the New York Review of Books:

The Powerhouse of the New

Few developments central to the history of art have been so misrepresented or misunderstood as the brief, brave, glorious, doomed life of the Bauhaus—the epochally influential German art, architecture, crafts, and design school that was founded in Goethe’s sleepy hometown of Weimar in 1919. It then flourished from 1925 to 1932 in Dessau,.....
 read on:

Friday, May 14, 2010

Welcome to Interdisciplinary Design:The Bauhaus Stage from Tradition to Digital Space

This will be the blog for our July 2010 Study Abroad workshop with Dessau Design students and NYU Digital Communications + Media students.
Please use this blog for communication between the students groups.
Your contact in New York: Prof. Mechthild Schmidt
Your contact in Dessau: Prof. Angela Zumpe

Herzlich willkommen!